perm filename SCENAR.OTL[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#644400 filedate 1982-02-25 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
@Comment{OUTLINE of SCENAR.MSS by Scribe 3B(1134) on 25 February 1982 at 14:36}
  1 Overview of Situation and Goal                        1 SCENAR.MSS, 01500/2
1 Actual Dialogue                                         3 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/3
2 Miscellaneous Editor Analogies                          8 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/7
3 Predictions                                             9 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/8
  3.1 Thoughts on this task/domain choice/...             9 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/9
4 Further tasks                                          10 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/10
5 Conclusion                                             12 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/11
I For What Type of Pupil Is Analogy Appropriate?         13 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/12
                              StartingInfo               13 SCENAR.MSS, 00200/12
  I.1 Scrutiny                                           15 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/13
                              Exam                       15 SCENAR.MSS, 00200/13
  I.2 Other cases                                        16 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/14
II Starting Set of Rules                                 18 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/15
                              Rules                      18 SCENAR.MSS, 00300/15
III (Starting) Description of Editors                    19 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/16
                              EditorFacts                19 SCENAR.MSS, 00300/16
IV Evaluating Body of Test Cases                         22 SCENAR.MSS, 00100/17
                              TestBed                    22 SCENAR.MSS, 00200/17
 Table of Contents                                        1 041S01.TMP, 00300/1
	Alphabetic Listing of Cross-Reference Tags and Labels

Tag or Label Name                    Page   Label Value  Source file Location
EDITORFACTS                            19              SCENAR.MSS, 00300/16
EXAM                                   15              SCENAR.MSS, 00200/13
RULES                                  18              SCENAR.MSS, 00300/15
STARTINGINFO                           13              SCENAR.MSS, 00200/12
TESTBED                                22              SCENAR.MSS, 00200/17